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Forum Posts

Show us your festive pets!

It's been a strange year for everyone this year and I've been really glad to have my little furry friend through it all.    I'd love to see everyone's little companions!    It doesn't have to be a festive picture, the more the merrier.    Here is Odi...

Sorcha by Former EE Community Manager
  • 9 replies
  • 15 Helpful

Food Glorious Food!

Hi Everyone.   I’m not going to, lie I adore looking at food pictures and reading peoples recipe's and trying to recreate these at home.   I’ve just got a slow cooker (yes, I am way behind the times) but I love it and I’m starting to try new things k...

Leanne_T by EE Community Support Team
  • 51 replies
  • 65 Helpful

Can’t buy £20 50gb pack

Hi I got a free sim and now want to buy the £20 30day 50gb pack as advertised with a leaflet with the sim. I have hence topped my account up by £20. When logged into my account the above deal is not available, instead the best offering is 15gb for £2...

SCOTEX by Visitor
  • 1 replies
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Back order on s21 22/6 when is it likely to be dispatched?

Hi I upgraded on 22/6 to a Samsung S21 white 256gb, but it's just showing on back order. I was just wondering when it is likely to be dispatched. I've just sent back my phone on trade in so am without a phone in the meantime. Thankyou

Only have half my data plan

Hi, i have upgraded my data plan to a 160GB plan, but when i check i only have 80gb? Why would this be? would i have the full 160gb next month? Thanks 

rob146 by Visitor
  • 1 replies
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S21 data cable doesn't have a usb end only 2 c type ends

Just upgraded to S21 and knew it didn't come with a charger plug but the data cable included has c type at both ends so no usb at one of the ends. This means the cable can't attach to usb plug to charge the phone. Surely this is incorrect?

Service Issues

Been having serious problems with our broadband for the past couple of days. Yesterday it was out all morning and patchy since then. All the checker says is: Service problem in XXXXXWe are aware of a problem with this site. How can i get any further ...

LL21 by Investigator
  • 10 replies
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Samsung Smart watch 4g battery

Hi,Had a smart watch through EE since December so nearly 7 months and the battery life is now so bad I have to charge it daily. As its still under warranty, will I have to sort this with EE who I got it from or Samsung!?

djslapper by Skilled Contributor
  • 5 replies
  • 5 Helpful

Topping up

On the EE mobile app I tried purchasing a pack and however when I click it to buy it a  “this purchase hasn’t gone through” and “try again later” I’ve been trying for couple days now and it still won’t work. And I’m not sure if this is related to it ...

Rahul3 by Investigator
  • 6 replies
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Can I use the router supplied with FTTP as a wireless repeater?

Hi, I've recently had EE FTTP installed in a 3-floor house. When it was installed, I decided to get the ONT installed on the first floor, towards the centre of the property. I also purchased an Asus RT AX88u to serve as my main router. Everything is ...

DanH84uk by Visitor
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Viewing content lock history on bill

Hello, I want to know if there is possible to see when I turn on it turn off my content lock, on billing? I dont have to writing sms to unlock my content, so there are not evidence that I do that. But maybe it can be see on my bill details?

Resolved! End of broadband

Hello . I ended my contract with EE because I moved to another country. should I return the modem? does the modem stay with me?