New phone - but no TradeIn returns package


Hi All,


Was wondering if anyone has had this problem, As I am starting to worry! I recently upgraded and my new phone came through! (Fantastic) but in my upgrade I am returning my old device.


BUT..I haven't received a returns package/ postage label! I've rung 150 and they said I need to speak to brightstar, but I've emailed, tried ringing brightstar 4 times (ONE OF WHICH I WAS ON HOLD FOR 3 HOURS!)


I don't dare just send it, since brightstar have loads of different addresses online!


I need to get it sent ASAP as they need the device within 14 days or else the price gets added onto my account!


I'm stuck!

EE Community Support Team

Hello @DreSmi


Thanks for coming to the community. 


It's great to hear you have your upgrade, I hope you're loving your new phone. 


Your returns pack should be with you within 7 working days, if you have passed the 7 working days mark then please call 02087323798. 


Please note the lines are only open on this number between 09:00 - 17:30 Monday - Friday. 


Katie 🙂



I've rang the number, and contacted them through email support - they said they don't have a trade in request for the IMEI or anything related to my number.


They have said it's 150 I need to ring, I've done that again, but each company keeps pointing the finger at the other...


What not?

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Buzzdrew.


Thanks for coming to the community. 


It sound's like you have followed the correct steps by calling the number previously provided. 


I have sent you a private message for more informaiton, 


Katie 🙂

Hi, I have also followeed the steps and still no returns package to send my phone back please can I be sent one they said they will charge me if it’s not sent back by Friday 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Cassiexxb


Welcome to the community. 


Have you spoken to Brightstar about this? You can find their contact details at the bottom of the Trade in page.




I have been on hold for over an hour an half can I not just get a pack sent out?

Sent from my iPhone
EE Community Support Team

Did you manage to get through, @Cassiexxb?


The pack needs to be sent through Brightstar.



I followed, the steps and even emailed them and this was their response


"Good Afternoon

thank you for your email.

Using the details you have provided I am unable to find an active trade in

order for you.

We Brightstar are a third party company who assist EE in the trade in of

mobile phones.

Currently it appears we are still to receive the trade in file from EE,

often this will follow on approximately 10 days after you have received the

new phone.

If this is the case and you still have not received the return pack please

contact EE Customer Service direct on 0800 956 6000 or 150 from you EE


In the meantime if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to

contact us.

Kind Regards,


EE Trade In"



After then contacting EE, they say it's brightstar!!!



EE Community Support Team

Hi @Buzzdrew


I've sent you a private message to get some more information from you.


Please have a look and get back to me.


