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Iphone 13 pro max Delivery


Hi, I have been waiting for my iPhone for going to a month tomorrow, on the phone I was told that the max I would have to wait was 28 days, although I was not happy with this I felt it was understandable due to the large request. The issue I am having is that on 22 October I received an update tell me that my phone would come on the 29th- 2nd November although this was over the promised date given on the phone when speaking to the advisor I was happy to have a date, this morning I received another message 'update', which I thought would tell me the time slot that would be given to me but instead they took away delivery period of 29th-2nd of November. I was not given an explanation on the message sent. At this point I am more than fed up and angry not only is the lack of communication terrible but the customer service I have received is ridiculous can I please have an explanation as two what is happening and when this phone will arrive.Screenshot_20211029-120744_Samsung_Internet[1].jpgScreenshot_20211021-093459_Samsung_Internet[1].jpg 


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EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Izzysho  You are aware of demand and EE can not magically get more devices out of Apple to meet the demand.   Apple need to produce thousands of these devices of every colour and storage capacity and they simply can not keep up with demand.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Izzysho 


Have you read the hundreds of other threads on this issue. On Apple own site it says 23 Nov - 30 Nov for delivery of this device. This gives you the hint about stock a d shipping. 


EE are not responsible for global supply chain issues. This isn't a secret and anyone who watches the news knows there are major issues. 


Obviously if EE get stock from somewhere then you will receive confirmation if you're one of the lucky people to be sent the device.

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

I’m in the same position. Been waiting a month for delivery, was given a delivery date which is now no longer there on tracking. Very difficult to actually speak to anyone. The website says to call but the call centres are currently down and I’m now waiting to speak to someone on webchat. 

I’m not annoyed about the lack of supply of Apple’s part. I know that’s not EE’s fault. I’m annoyed because the customer service is essentially non existent. My contract runs out in 6 days so I’m honestly tempted to just go with another provider. 

Hi @Chris_B @Northerner ,


Firstly thank you for the responses very much appreciated, I am putting no blame on either EE or Apple, if you had read the thread properly you would have noticed that the main issue I having is the lack of communication I was given a expected date and it was taken away without any communication or explanation as to why. I understand that apple is not to fault neither is EE, I was simply requesting for more communication between EE and their customer.


Thank you for your responses.


Thank you @Vulpes ,


Like you I understand that it is a new device and as such there will be demand but what we need is communication as to what is happening and why. Completely agree with you.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

EE can not give updates on something that can not be allocated to you.   You only receive updates when a device has been allocated.     your only sort of update at present are the dates your are being given.  

  What sort of updates would you want ??      

  Your order has been received but no date can be confirmed yet.     Because that’s what you’ve got.   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hi @Chris_B,


Again if you of had taken time to slowly READ the original post instead of just scanning, you would have seen that the updates I wanted were, why I no longer have a delivery date after being assigned one and if I would be waiting longer than the 28 days promised this not something that's hard to do as they know their stock levels. The main reason I got this phone was for data purposes due to the nature of my Job I am travelling a lot so I data share, I cannot receive that data till the new phone arrives as it's a new line. A simple update such as "your phone will take longer than the 28 days" would have allowed me to better prepare. "EE can not give updates on something that can not be allocated to you" have you tried calling up because if have you will know that they can and will if you ask but I guess you didn't know  'Grandmaster'. All I was asking was for these updates to be in text form instead me being out of the loop. If you cannot understand the simplicity of keeping your customer up to date and in the loop then I can understand your responses so far. It's like you haven't used service like Amazon, ebay adidas or even other phone service like three. 


Thank you.


Looking forward to your response.

But I had a confirmed delivery date. So that would suggest there was a device allocated to me. I wasn’t told when I ordered that I’d be waiting over a month. I haven’t been told why I had a delivery date and now I don’t. 

Sure I’ve had bad experiences with other companies before, but at least their communication had been more than a vague ‘it’s on its way’. 

No EE doesn’t know when it’s going to get phones in, and that’s not it’s fault. But I don’t feel like the communication from them has been remotely sufficient considering the depth of the problem. 

Hi @Vulpes ,


Thank you vulpes this was what I was trying to get across the blame cannot be put on anyone regarding the devices but the communication from EE has defiantly not been up to par especially the point where they assigned date  which I would expect to mean that phones have been allocated to individuals but that suddenly goes away without an explanation. They may not know when the phones are going to come but they can at least explain to me why I was designated a date and then not.