Disabling NAT on EE Smart Hub




I am trying to have my EE Smart Hub act as close to a modem as possible - I know there isn't an actual "modem mode" available, but going by another topic I've seen on here I should be able to get the same effect by disabling my DHCP, WiFi and NAT.


The settings for WiFi and DHCP are easy enough to find, however I can't seem to find a setting anywhere for NAT? Does anyone know where in the settings this is located?


Thanks in advance

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

What you have is not what OP wants to achieve. 


I'm just asking OP whether he carried a test I suggested earlier & am interested in. I am not logistically able to try it myself at the mo'. We can blah-blah about the theory until the cows come home but there is nowt like trying it out yourself in practise. You say it won't work; I think it might work. I'll leave it at that until OP reports back or not.

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Disabling DHCP on LAN ports not impacting NAT/masquerading on the WAN is simple network engineering, not a theory! 🤓

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