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Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I've got some extra data to use up so if anyone wants to chat/txt,  I'm here ! Should be getting Ghostbusters tomorrow,  I'll let you know if it's any good, 😱


Just watched (Ghostbusters),  and a film called (finch) both really good , should have Eternals soon cant wait,  wow 3.4 miles that's alot, keep it up, !

Former EE Employee

That's not bad going at all, @mikeliuk. Have you been running for long?



Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

I was running with colleagues at a previous work place around 2013/2014 and have done a few 10 km runs. There were some years of inactivity and I've recently, in the last two or three years, started to run around the estate, which accounts for the 2.8 km distance.


My ex-colleagues have gone on to do half marathons and marathons so I'm really the runt of the group. 😁


I think Eternals really needs to be watched with the lights out. The Disney+ IMAX version/print too. I think some of the low rumbles in Ghostbusters: Afterlife really benefited from the IMAX cinema sound system. It's not an essential part of the story, but when the whole room feels like it's physically moving a little in an earthquake, there's a nice sense of immersion.

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Cool, 👍 can you recommend any other films, I'm mainly into,  !

Former EE Employee

Running 5.5km is a great way of getting back into it, @mikeliuk!


I think @Christopher_G is considering the Great North Run again this year.



Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

I'm also a big fan of sci-fi although nothing new or anticipated comes to mind at the moment. I think Eternals was the last thing I looked forward to. Matrix Resurrections was a little disappointing at the cinema but the online YouTube discussions helped to improve the context a little.


I rewatched ST:TNG S3E15 Yesterday's Enterprise recently which I quite enjoyed.


Netflix Mother/Android I felt was only ok. Recently, I've recommended Netflix ARQ to a family member as I recall it being quite good.


I think ex-colleagues have been up to do the Great North Run some years ago. Having done the Coast to Coast bike ride, I probably estimated I wasn't up to the challenge. 😂 Once you get a little way into something, it becomes clear how much fitter the high achievers are in comparison!


My sci-fi thing at the moment is staring at the Hubble Ultra Deep Field image (6200 x 6200 pixels)


and procrastinating about whether I want a "Direct Print on Aluminium Dibond" metal print.

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Have you seen any of (The book of boba fett) series yet, ?

I haven't yet, but it's on my list when my data allowance refreshes so I can watch it in HDR. 😃


I really enjoyed watching Disney+ The Mandalorian and found out late how so much of it was filmed inside "the Volume" instead of using blue/green screen.

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I've seen both series of (The mandolorian),  the last episode,  chapter 16, when Luke Skywalker turns up at the end is brilliant, 

Yea, I like how things stepped up at the end to show everything at the beginning was child's play compared to the Jedi.


Was watching Raducanu v. Rybakina replay on Amazon Prime Video earlier. Need to find some sci-fi to watch tomorrow. Not finished The Expanse or Lucifer yet. Man in the High Castle is obviously very good.

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