10-11-2022 12:15 AM
Just wondering, is EE receiving weekly stock for the iPhone 14 pro and max models? Are they getting shipment or not??!
08-12-2022 06:49 PM
Yeh they said that to me a few weeks ago but i would keep going on the live chat every few days and they finally told me Friday just went that it would come in the next 5-7 working days and it came today so 3 working days. Keep on at it because I wouldn’t have known it was coming today until they told me on The chat saying it’s expected to arrive!
08-12-2022 06:51 PM
I did get a text last night from EE saying welcome to your new EE essentials plan so when u get that it should come the next day
10-12-2022 04:38 PM
Has anyone ordered the purple pro max? Wondering how long the wait is for that
10-12-2022 05:23 PM
I ordered mine on 15 th of November and just recieved an email that mine is coming on monday
10-12-2022 07:09 PM
That’s great news, thank you! I ordered mine about a week after you, so hopefully shouldn’t be long now
11-12-2022 11:53 PM
Has yours arrived yet?
11-12-2022 11:56 PM
Yes mine arrived on Thursday!