No signal
Hi my iPhone 11 has suddenly lost service.I’ve turned on and off and even removed the SIM card and put back but nothing is working.
Discussion about Apple's range of devices including unlocking your device
Hi my iPhone 11 has suddenly lost service.I’ve turned on and off and even removed the SIM card and put back but nothing is working.
How can you take control of a child’s phone that’s on your account please . Ie don’t let him have it for anything else other than a basic phone
Have upgraded my phone to the iPhone 14 then had no correspondence since. I do not know when, or if my phone is coming and can't contact anyone. Can someone help, please.
Very nice producție nothing to worry about Apple producț will be remaining the best
HiMy phone was stolen in October so I got a replacement. It has since been returned so how can I unlock/unblock the handset so I can use or sell it?I have tried ringing and it just leads me to check if the service is down.ThanksEllie
i upgraded from 12 mini to 14 pro however all my apps have transferred over but with the 14 pro you dont need to put a sim card in but its displaying sim card not recognised? should i put my sim card into the new phone
Hello guys i am going to buy apple watch ASAP
I have a apple iPhone 13 pro with a broken screen what needs repairing I have visited the EE site and I have found the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 12 listed listed but I didn’t see the iPhone 13. I have got an appointment booked for in the morning and I...
I basically had my iPhone 14 nicked reported to police and EE now I’m waiting on the back office what does this mean has I don’t know being new to EE