18-07-2024 04:06 PM
Hi all
I'm travelling in France and slipped on wet rock this morning and smashed my iphone 14 plus screen so that it does not work at all. The phone is still receiving messages but I can't see anything on the screen at all.
How do I get this resolved? Do I buy another iphone and try to put my sim in it or will EE send me a replacement or upgrade for a fee?
I don't have insurance.
Until I find someone happy to let me use their phone to call support, I can't contact them either as they don't accept emails!
Thanks. John
18-07-2024 04:24 PM
If you have no insurance & it's not covered by your travel insurance you'll need to pay out for a new phone or have it repaired. EE will be able to send out a replacement SIM for £1.50 to your UK registered addy.
18-07-2024 04:32 PM
If you're using a standard physical SIM, then remove that from your phone and insert it into whatever other phone you source or upgrade to.
18-07-2024 04:57 PM
Dumb question but where in France are you? Any local Apple Stores you can visit to get the screen replaced?
19-07-2024 10:11 AM - last edited on 19-07-2024 10:44 AM by Leanne_T
Hi there
Thanks for the info, the nearest Apple store is 200km away. It would also
cost nearly as much as choosing an early upgrade so have chosen that.
Can't get the phone sent to France so my sister will receive it today and
courier it to me in France.
John ***** ******
Advanced Environmental & Energy Studies in the Built Environment
[mod edit: removed personal details from the forum]