Apple Watch and roaming


Do I need to pay for roaming on my Apple Watch 6 or does it share my phone roaming?


Hi @Chris_B ,

I do appreciate the response and why you cannot give a reason.. it's my understanding that you don't work for EE? It's also quite possible that it's listed on the website in the T&C's document, but sadly, I added my watch to my plan over the phone and this was not made clear until I was well outside of the cooling off period.

I have no problem with EE *deciding* that they don't want to allow roaming (as crazy as it might be). But it would be great if any EE staff member moderator could actually provide some sort of response on the multiple threads about this. This is clearly something EE customers want.

Ultimately I think this can be easily resolved by modifying their sales advertising to make it clear that roaming is not available and update their staff that may be upgrading or selling the products to ensure that it's clear from the beginning. 

I don't think they will do this though, as clearly being honest and transparent with their customers will result in less people paying for the service. 

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Also waiting for a response on this. The Apple Watch has supported international roaming for 2 years now and still no support from EE. Very disappointing 

The best time to make use of the watch untethered from the iPhone is while on holiday, yet EE aren’t allowing us to do it 

As others have noted, this is really frustrating when the watch hardware supports roaming but the network provider does not support the functionality.   My question is why not?  An explanation might ease the frustration a bit.   I would add that  if even one of the UK providers opened this up, a lot of us watch users would move networks, I am sure. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@arf007   Some UK providers do offer roaming for the watch.     EE also do not have to answer the question “why not”. It’s just they don’t at present and it’s that simple and they don’t have to give an explanation on why.   It’s simply not available.   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

 I have checked Vodafone and 02 and neither do.  If there is another UK network that does, then please share, that’s great news.  

Do you work for EE? Is EE’s decision above questioning in your eyes? Why wouldn’t EE want to explain the rationale behind its decision?

All your response is doing is making people ask “Why am I with EE again if they’re a company that just doesn’t care about what their customers want?

Maybe if they took the time to respond and explain they wouldn’t have so many frustrated customers….


@Clawzskunk   It’s not supported and EE don’t owe you an explanation on why it’s not supported.        It’s just not supported end off and that’s your explanation at present on why it’s not supported at present and EE don’t have to explain why.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

I really struggle with that standpoint when I called EE and explained that I wanted roaming as I was being spanked £2.50 a day at present to use my phone abroad. It was a basic demand and need. 
Cellular option seemed fantastic when abroad out running to avoid lugging my phone around, can answer the odd call to confirm my location with the mrs to meet up after the run.

I’m abroad now for the first time appreciate it’s 8 months after last on this thread my watch says no network.

I’m hoping times have moved on and I can use it whilst away just a technical issue.  If I can’t it’s just a piece of Lego on my wrist. 

I’m hoping times have changed but this thread suggests otherwise



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Timboo666   you don’t get roaming on the watch,    The tariff for the watch was sold for uk usage and in the T&C of the contract it does state roaming isn’t available for it. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Thanks, all well and good saying it in small print.

I called EE for advice pre sale, one of my priorities was using it abroad. I made that clear during the call. it’s not an unreasonable expectation for sales to point out cellular doesn’t work abroad at point of sale. To me that shouts the advisor needs additional training. By not doing so all it does is waste everyone’s time it’s far better to be transparent with customers so they can make an informed decision opposed to giving incorrect advice. Yes I didn’t read small print not so easy when on the call to EE. T&C’s could take 30 mins to digest.

On a further call several days later EE advised me lack of cellular abroad is an Apple restriction opposed to EE. Only they know the truth.

Thankfully I can send it back.

The purpose of this post is to make others aware, to save others the inconvenience. 
Not sure of your relationship with EE but What would be really handy would be for EE to put a * next to the cellular option on their site and app when researching options and clearly stating UK only.Phone required when outside of uk. Also additional info of whether a fix is on the horizon and who by. 
i.e proactive opposed to reactive is always best.