
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hi looking to find out why text sent to me at 10:00 ish this morning and didn’t come through until 18:00


plus couple of days ago just flashed up miss call ? No ring tone this end nothing 

and can’t all ways hear either party and drops calls 

not as much as before but still happens 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@madeline50  No one here knows who texted you.  And text message can always be delivered late there is no guarantee it’ll arrive just after it’s been sent.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Wasn’t from anyone here 

just needed the text when it was sent never knew it could take hours never happened before 

and the dropping of calls ? Any idea please I have re started my phone..


and some calls you can’t hear what’s being said and they can’t hear you ??


@madeline50  A drop call could be from either device on that call not necessarily your device  that dropped the call.   What’s the signal like on your device when this happens?  Have you ever tried a factory reset on  the device? 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Not sure on signal didn’t look 

factory reset done ages ago but doesn’t that loss all my photos and settings ? 
sorry not that tech savvy 🙄

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @madeline50,

If you back your phone up to the cloud before resetting, you can restore all of your content afterwards.

Please let me know what type of phone you have if you need help with this.

It's also worth checking you have WiFi Calling activated on your phone to help boost your indoor coverage.



Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Hi I have Nokia g10 not the best phone I know not sure how to do what you suggest but very busy this morning will try to find out how and do later or any suggestions on better phone £140 

And would I need new sim if I got 5g phone ? Thanks 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @madeline50,

To make sure your phone is being backed up, go to Settings > System > Backup.

Before resetting your phone or buying a new one, I'd recommend searching for WiFi Calling in your settings and making sure it is turned on.

You wouldn't need a new SIM if your purchased a new phone.


Established Contributor
Established Contributor

Thanks for your help I try what’s you have said re sim I just thought I might as 5 g network ??

but as you say I don’t even better thanks for your help 

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

No problem, @madeline50 🙂
