14-07-2023 08:31 AM
I have lost the SIM card tray for my Samsung Galaxy A53 - how can I get a replacement for it?
16-07-2023 11:00 AM
@ManOfMayhem @EssexBoyEE Only pointed out the issue you could face with getting one from eBay/Amazon.
16-07-2023 07:16 PM
And I think you were entirely focused on one small part of my entire message and missed the point I was making by a large margin. But I suppose that's my fault somehow as well, right?
16-07-2023 08:10 PM
Nowhere in your original post did you mention that you had already tried getting an official Samsung one. You simply asked where you can get a replacement. How are we to know. Maybe you already looked at Amazon too.
I suggested a cost-effective route you could take, and @EssexBoyEE rightly mentioned that a non-OEM sim tray may not live up to the same level of resistance. Simply trying to be helpful.
There are many users in this community, with various levels of knowledge when it comes to technology. We don’t know if you’re a tech-savvy 20 year old who knows what you are doing or a 90 year old pensioner that has just upgraded from a Nokia 3310.
Hopefully you get your SIM card tray sorted. If not, then maybe go on Samsung’s forum instead and see where you can get one.
20-07-2023 03:39 PM - edited 20-07-2023 03:40 PM
Wow, well your a barrel of laughs, so much negativity from a single Post of mine to trying to advise and help you out with your issue!
I see you are a New Member, so first off by saying welcome to the EE Community, we're a friendly bunch on here, almost everyone is prepared to give up their own time in order to try and help others, especially New Members, so I hope your stay in the Forum is prosperous, last longing and rewarding.
Your responses - @ManOfMayhem wrote -
You might want to check your facts before you go around assuming you know what someone has and hasn't tried
he came on this post, had a go at me for getting "a cheap and cheerful" SIM card tray instead of going to Samsung and getting an official branded one
but that didn't stop him from making a load of assumptions now, did it?
He could have ASKED me if I had tried all the official routes first
he decided I was clearly too much of a Scrooge to do anything that sensible
So, I'm trying my to make a connection with the your comments (and a lot of assumptions) against my Post, which was purely to advise on the IP67 Protection, and, well, let's just forget it, as, as far as I am concerned your comments are unfunded and irrelevant, so we will leave it there.
I hope you achieve an answer to your original Post request, what ever it may be, (no assumptions there) , and hope you have an enjoyable stay on the EE Forum.