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I have lost the SIM card tray for my Samsung Galaxy A53


I have lost the SIM card tray for my Samsung Galaxy A53 - how can I get a replacement for it?

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Star Contributor

Hi @ManOfMayhem,

You can buy them online super cheap (£3-4). Check out Replace Base or eBay.


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Hi, I have just ordered the SIM card tray from the link you posted - I will wait until I have received it and know that it is the right one for my phone before deciding if you resolved my query or not, as I have just had to return one that I got from Amazon that was supposed to be the right spec and found it was too big to fit the SIM card tray slot on the phone - I will now have to wait until either Monday or Tuesday before I find out 

Whilst you can get the cheap and cheerful Sim Trays from te likes of eBay and Amazon, that may or may not fit well, its probably worth pointing out that the Sammy A53 has a Water and Dust Resistance to IP67, and the Sim Tray will be one of the Outer Component Parts for this Rating.

So get a cheap one to get you out of trouble but you may want to consider getting a Genuine Samsung Tray in the future if you value your Phone for that unexpected moment.

I would have gotten a genuine Samsung SIM card tray this time but nobody
has been able to point me in the direction of where to get one, because
guess what? I have been on the Samsung website and contacted their customer
service department and they couldn't help me at all

Well you will never guess where I went to in the first instance to try and get a genuine Samsung SIM card tray? That's right, I went to Samsung's website, had a good in depth search, asked someone else if they could find them, then contacted the customer service department at Samsung and you will never guess what happened next - THEY COULDN'T HELP ME. I tried to get a genuine one in the first place and it's because I couldn't that I had to buy a "cheap and cheerful" one from Amazon and then eBay. You might want to check your facts before you go around assuming you know what someone has and hasn't tried before they had to resort to getting a substitute 

@ManOfMayhem  steady on @EssexBoyEE  was only trying to be helpful,  how is anybody meant to know what you’ve already tried until you actually say it.   

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Uncalled for! Please be respectful, we are not mind readers.

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Hang on a second - he came on this post, had a go at me for getting "a cheap and cheerful" SIM card tray instead of going to Samsung and getting an official branded one, which I already had tried and couldn't get, and I tell him that and somehow that makes me the bad guy? No you aren't mind readers, but that didn't stop him from making a load of assumptions now, did it? He could have ASKED me if I had tried all the official routes first but he decided I was clearly too much of a Scrooge to do anything that sensible 

Nobody had a go at you. I think you have mis-read his comment.

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