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Galaxy Watch 7 Ultra LTE



I have an issue that when I am on a call on my phone and someone else tries to ring, the call displays on the watch and has an audible engaged tone. When the caller hangs up the engaged tone persists and even after I've hung up the original call on phone it remains.  


I've tried ringing out off the watch which works but the engaged tone just stays. 


Have to restart the phone to clear.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @aaronbowen 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Are you connected to WiFi at the time when this happens? 

Does the call still show on the phone or just the watch? 

Thanks 🙂


No not on WiFi. Only happens when I am on a call on my phone. The incoming call shows on the watch but if I don't answer and they hang up the call ends but the engaged sound continues until I reset the watch.. 

EE Community Support Team

@aaronbowen When you say reset the watch do you just mean restarting it? As it does sound like the phone and watch are failing to sync fully and so it may be best to unpair/factory reset the watch and then pair up again to see if this resolves it.

But if you are using a data plan with the watch, when resetting it should ask if you wish to keep your data plan and select to keep the plan for when you re-pair the watch and phone.


Sorry , I did mean restarting the watch. 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for coming back to us @aaronbowen 

Have you been able to try the unpair/factory reset suggestion since you last posted? 

Speak soon 🙂
