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Eurosport moves home to TNT Sports

EE Knowledge Specialist

TNT Sports in the UK will become the new home for a host of live sports including Tennis, Cycling, Snooker and the Olympics.

From the 28th of February 2025 the Eurosport and TNT Sports brands will be brought together.

All your existing sports content currently on Eurosport 1 & 2 will be available on TNT Sports channels 1 to 4.

All TV customers with TNT Sports as part of their subscription have access to these channels through your set top box and through the discovery + App. If you are an App only subscriber, you'll find the channels there.

Any on-demand content currently in the discovery+ app is unaffected by this change and if you are an EETV subscriber any recordings will remain until the 28th of March.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Great! 👍🏻 

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Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

There used to be some Eurosport content on demand in the EE TV app. that seems to have stopped in January  this year. What is the future of TNT sports on demand  content in the EE TV app going forward ?

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @zulu17 

Thanks for coming here. 

All available TNT Sports VOD and linear channels can be found in the discovery + app. 


Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

Thank you but my question  was about the EETV app  ( provided  by EE) rather than the discovery plus app (provided  by WBD). 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @zulu17 

Thanks for coming back to me, I have checked this for you and it would be the discovery+ app that would show any available TNT Sports VOD and linear channels. 


Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

What is the future of TNT sports live channels  streaming (including the previously broadcast Eurosport branded content)  and its on demand  content in the EE TV app going forward  (ie from March 2025 onwards) ?

Note this question relates to the EE EETV app/player not the WBD Discovery plus application..

EE Knowledge Specialist

Hi @zulu17 I'm not sure if we're getting our wires crossed with your ask. But just to confirm, all TNT/Eurosport content,  whether live channels or on demand content will only be available in the d+ app. Not on the EETV app/player directly.

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

The EE TV app  performs several fuctions..Focusing on the TNT/Eurosport  elements.

So currently  (Feb 2025) EETV app has   for example live streams of TNT Sports1-10 , Eurosport1+2  and a selection of  adfree On demand content , which can also be downloaded. on mobile devices as well as being streamed.  If the intention is to withdraw all of this from the EETV app I do feel it needs to be communicated to EETV customers in EE and BT.  With WBD decision  to close Eurosport 1 and Eurosport 2  in the UK I would have expected the EETV app to lose those channels but as the remaining TNT Sports channels are retained they would continue to be available on the EE TV app with selected on demand continuing.