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Forward a scam message to 7726 not working


I received a message from+44 7884 407258 on Christmas day informing me that EE was having issues verifying my billing details and of course I was instructed to click on a link <> immediately to update my details. 


A scam/phishing message, but when I tried forwarding it to 7726 I get a "Not Delivered" indicator. 


Phone is an iPhone 7+ with iOS 14.2 installed.  ANy ideas?


I too get "No results found" on my EE phone when trying to follow their instructions!


They obviously haven't fixed the problem or their reporting phishing texts instructions since your problem.

 I get the problem when using "Messages" whatever/whoever that is.

I just type in 7726 and get the error message.


The text is trying to direct me to <link removed>

I think I have found a solution. Someone with a similar problem set up a new contact called EE Spam Reporting with the number 7726 and forwarded the spam message to this contact.

This has worked for me!! EE then asks for a reply with the phone number that sent the message. Done that. All sorted!


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Daveo50


Thanks for letting everyone know this solution 🙂



I mentioned this in a message earlier in the thread but could you arrange to update this EE help page HOW TO AVOID AND PREVENT SCAMS INCLUDING PHISHING, VISHING AND SMISHING 


Instead of incorrectly stating:  "forward a text message (including phone number or company name) to 7726 free of charge, so your mobile phone provider can investigate"


to something like "forward a text message to 7726 free of charge. You should then get an automated response, asking you to send the phone number that sent the SPAM and afterwards a further message thanking you for the report."



Me too. 7726 so no way of reporting what I suspect is a scam as it wants me to update my billing details! 

Set up a new contact called EE Spam Reporting with the number 7726 and forwarded the spam message to this contact name.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Nicola-B 

If you hold down the message and select forward as a text message then enter 7726 as the number this will be sent to, this should send for you. 



I was getting not delivered and "spend cap balance too low"  from ee. Was very confused because it supposed to be free even if my spend cap was used up ( which it wasnt).

Then i read these posts. Thanks all.

It was me, forgetting how it works, and adding the source telephone number to the subject box on my iPhone iMessage app. The subject part is not allowed on standard sms messages, i assume.

Just forward the spam to 7726 and they then ask for the number afterwards.

Why i was getting "spend cap balance too low" message from EE is beyond my comprehesion though. Just confused the issue.


Yes, @chapster59 , adding a Subject to an SMS turns it into an MMS for which you would be charged but this extra charge is hitting against your Spend Cap & so it's not being sent. To report a text just forward it (as an SMS) to 7726 with no embellishments at all.

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