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I have become a victim of fraud which is causing me untold anxiety and sleepless nights. I have been a customer of yours for many years. 

I have always signed up to a sim only contract and did so in May 2023 for 24 months. Somehow someone has been able to change my contract to something else by upgrading it and i am now been charged almost 4 times my usual monthly payments. When i renewed my contract in May i received email confirmation of this and as far as i was concerned that was done and dusted for the next 24 months .

EE is now taking money out of my account which I have not authorised and this is causing issues with my back and overdraft facility . 

I have reported this to CS but I do not have confidence in this process and need a tel no to speak to the relevant department for this to be cleared up.



I have become a victim of fraud which is causing me untold anxiety and sleepless nights. I have been a customer of yours for many years. 

I have always signed up to a sim only contract and did so in May 2023 for 24 months. Somehow someone has been able to change my contract to something else by upgrading it and i am now been charged almost 4 times my usual monthly payments. When i renewed my contract in May i received email confirmation of this and as far as i was concerned that was done and dusted for the next 24 months .

EE is now taking money out of my account which I have not authorised and this is causing issues with my back and overdraft facility . 

I have reported this to CS but I do not have confidence in this process and need a tel no to speak to the relevant department for this to be cleared up.




I have become a victim of fraud which is causing me untold anxiety and sleepless nights. I have been a customer of yours for many years. 

I have always signed up to a sim only contract and did so in May 2023 for 24 months. Somehow someone has been able to change my contract to something else by upgrading it and i am now been charged almost 4 times my usual monthly payments. When i renewed my contract in May i received email confirmation of this and as far as i was concerned that was done and dusted for the next 24 months .

EE is now taking money out of my account which I have not authorised and this is causing issues with my bank and overdraft facility . 

I have reported this to CS but I do not have confidence in this process and need a tel no to speak to the relevant department for this to be cleared up.


EE Community Support Team

Good afternoon @CORD2.

Thanks for coming here. 

I am sorry to hear the impact that this is having. 

What was advised when you spoke with our customer care team?

Are you aware if this has now been passed over to our fraud team?

Reporting this to customer service is the right thing to do, this will be looked into and someone should be back in touch. 

Speak soon, 



I was told this will be passed to yhe fraud team.

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How long does this take and can you confirm this has been done 

EE Community Support Team

This has been passed to the relevant team @CORD2

Please be assured that this will be getting looked into and a member of the team will be in touch. 

Have you been provided a timescale?


Was told 7 days. I am so worried

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EE Community Support Team


I understand how worrying this must be. Our fraud team will be working on this and as soon as they have a response they will be back in touch. 

This could even be before 7 days. 

When did you report this?



last Thursday