
I’m a new customer 

waiting for my old number to be transferred 

how long does this tske

 it’s been 24 hrs so far 



EE Community Support Team

Hey @Charlie283.

Welcome to the community.

Did you provide a PAC code when you signed up?


When you give us your PAC while signing up, your number should transfer to us the next working day after you register your EE SIM. You can find more information on our Transferring Your Mobile Phone Number to EE help page.

Debbie 🙂

Debbie yes I did
I have a son with complex needs and need to keep same number

Here is the pac code for reference again

[mod edit: personal details removed from the community]

Sent from Gmail Mobile

EE Community Support Team

Thank you for getting back to me @Charlie283 

I understand you want to ensure this is sorted. 

If your new EE SIM card was activated over the weekend, the PAC will be submitted the following Monday (or Tuesday if this falls on a Bank Holiday) and would port-in the following working day.

I'd recommend contacting us, our guides will be able to access your account to check the status of this for you. 

Debbie 🙂