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iPhone 14 plus no service (sim/e-sim issue)



I recently upgraded to the iPhone 14 plus, upon transferring my details to the new phone I was prompted to use E-sim, I selected yes (which I’ve since been told I shouldn’t have done) as I thought this was just the way Apple did it now, but since then I have had nothing but problems. 

My sim immediately stopped working on my old phone as well as the new phone - It’s almost been a week and I still have no signal - I have been to the store 3 times and online chat 3 times but I’m going around in circles and no one can fix it.

For context, they were unable to generate a replacement sim from store, so they called head office who sent one out. The replacement sim has arrived and its still not working, the EE online chat keep fobbing me off saying it will activate but it never does! 


I have restarted, rebooted, erased everything and reuploaded it all again. Tuned aeroplane mode on and off, left a sacrifice for the gods, what more do I need to do to be able to use my new phone?

I’m seriously considering returning the phone and taking out a new contract elsewhere - but I was wondering if anyone else had a workaround because I surely can’t have been the only customer to have experienced this? 



Hi! I am having the exact same issue with EE and still nothing working. I am convinced it’s an account issue but they aren’t listening to me and keep giving me replacement sims. I want this number as I work for the NHS and need to keep my number for many reasons and can’t even get a PAC code!! 


Please let me know if your issue was eventually resolved???

Oh no I’m so sorry! 

It did get sorted eventually but it took 21 days without a phone and EE were a nightmare to deal with. 

Its a known issue high up with EE, apparently it’s happening quite alot at the moment but the people in store and on the online chat don’t seem aware of it. 

You need to ask to speak to the escalations team who will raise a tech ticket for you, and the tech team will sort it for you. It’s supposed to take 5 days but mine took 10 days from the point of raising the ticket, but by this point I was completely fed up and ready to throw the phone in a river. 

Hope you get it sorted and don’t let them fob you off - I spoke to about 15 different people who all just kept trying to activate the sim rather than listen to me and try to sort the problem. 

Good luck! 

I am still having major difficulties with EE, how did you get through to the escalations team, are they the level 2 tech team? I keep getting fobbed off by EE and I’m just fed up

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Former EE Employee

Hi @RenuJ95.

To speak with our Tech Gurus you'll need to call our Customer Care team.

They'll run initial troubleshooting before passing you to our Tech Gurus for an investigation ticket to be raised.


Oh no! That’s so annoying, I’m sorry! I spoke to a lady named Abbie from the technical escilations team - she raised a tech ticket but the tech ‘gurus’ do the work in the background. Abbie was chasing them for an answer as they were based over seas and were very slow to resolve. Hope you’re sorted now! 


This has happened to me too, I ordered my phone and clicked yes to having an e sim (because I thought I had to) and now I haven’t been able to use my phone. EE keep sending me out sims but they don’t work either. None of the staff are helping so I’m paying £80 a month for social media and games

EE Community Support Team

Hi @nicolacarless

Thanks for coming here. 

Has the last SIM card you received been registered with our customer care team? 

Does the SIM work in any other phone? 

Leanne 🙂

Aww I feel your frustration - I was the same.

So it sounds like they’ve sent you numerous replacement sims which never activate, despite the store and EE customer service trying to activate them for you, is that right?

If so, I’d recommend if you’re able to use a friend or families phone to call EE and ask to speak to the escalations team, if not go to store and use their phone (that’s what I had to do).

The phone team will probably push back but explain the situation and stay firm. The escalations team will raise a tech ticket for you, and the tech team will sort it for you. I was credited  for a full months bill as it took so long to sort but I did get there in the end. Good luck. 


I have the same problem Jennifer, 

17 days without network, three SIM cards in the post and a number of calls with customer service and technical people to be redirected to the EE shop who need photo ID before they can do anything, so back I go home,

I will be back again tomorrow if I can after work 

surely there is a fix by now?



EE Community Support Team

Hi @Bie 

I am very sorry to hear this. 

Please let us know how you get on after visiting the store tomorrow if you get the chance. 
