Replacement Sim

Established Contributor
Established Contributor
EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@marco806 , If you need a replacement SIM card, you can do this by contacting customer service or by going into an EE high street store with photo ID and requesting a replacement SIM card.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.
Established Contributor
Established Contributor


@marco806 no need to be so rude, when I posted mine and wrote it, your second post was not there.

It can take up to 24 hours, but not always, just turn phone off and on and see if it activates.

Are you not able to look at your bank online via the website, do you not have an app you can check your bank other than via the phone?

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.

@marco806 , If you do not want answers, then do not write here and ring customer service using something like Skype for free. I am not a bot, just a customer like you trying to help.

To contact EE customer service dial 150 from your mobile phone or ring customer service for free using Skype or another phone: +44 800 079 8586 or +44 800 956 6000.