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Re: Facebook 2FA Why am i not receiving Codes


I found the 2FA messages were going to the "native" phone no for the SIM despite using PAC code to retain my old number from a different network. Had to add native no to Google Authenticator and change SMS no in website concerned. Now working fine. But is this the way it ought to work???


EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager


Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂

2FA SMS would usually be sent to the phone number you provided when registering for the service in question.

Did you set something up when you were using the temporary number and allow the app/website to autofill your phone number?

Have you contacted the app/website to update the phone number they have on file for you?



I didn't ever use the temporary (or native SIM) number, not for anything. I
had requested a PAC code and followed the process, and phone, WhatsApp etc
all worked fine on my traditional number, immediately.

Then I found some websites (such as MailChimp) where I had registered with
that normal mobile number, years ago, were sending 2FA SMS messages which I
wasn't receiving.

I noticed earlier today an EE message to me which quoted the "native"
number (previously only visible on a sticker on the SIM card envelope) and
on a hunch I tried updating MailChimp credentials and Google
Authentication, and bingo it worked. But one swallow maketh not a summer ...


EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager


I'm unsure how MailChimp have recorded your temporary number. I'd recommend contacting them directly to update it.


Not necessary. MailChimp allows you - once logged in - to update your
credentials including the number for 2FA SMS messages. I was able to log in
because it supports alternative email authentication, which I used as the
SMS process was clearly broken.



I now conclude that the porting process is incomplete. Everything working fine on EE EXCEPT for SMS. If I send SMS it quotes the SIM phone number. If someone sends me SMS I don't receive it. And from my changing 2FA phone number in MailChimp - to SIM phone no  -  and then receiving 2FA SMS from MC, it seems obvious that PAC process incomplete. (My wife's changes all went through smoothly 24 hrs after mine!)

EE automated porting support (from which messages DO get through) now advises the porting will be complete by 3rd July. Not exactly impressive! I will attempt to be patient until then ...