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Phone working off both old / new number still


Need help

Moved across from 02 and moved my phone number with me

Phone all up and working and getting messages with no problem however when I reply to the its showing number EE number and not my old 02 number that I moved across.

Old O2 number is live as getting messages from it but when reply its using my new EE number ???

Totally lost with his

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

FYI posting in all capitals on the internet is widely considered shouting, and thus rude - recommend you check your caps lock.

When exactly did you port into EE? Are inbound & outbound calls using the correct ported number?

Good morning 

thank you for your words 

i ported my o2 number across about 3 weeks ago and everything seams to be fine as in calls are coming through on my ported number. whatsapp messages are coming through on ported number but today i got a message from a friend and when i replied they questioned who it was as message went through under EE number and not my ported number.

has it got something to do with i message and normal SMS message ?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Usage of WhatsApp, Messenger & any other internet-app is handled by your phone & the mobile network as data usage - thus all this proves is that your internet connection is working.

Do outbound calls show the correct caller-ID? If you send a new text message, does it show the correct number?


yes when i call a number its uses my ported o2 number as should 

if i send a normal message its using my EE number and not my O2 number as should 

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

If you're using an iPhone, check the following:


Settings - Phone (this will be under your app list) - My Number.


You may need to edit the number manually as it will most likely show the original EE number, which is why the outgoing text message have the incorrect number


just checked and your right its showing the EE number 

just tried to change manually but will not let me do it 


do i need to change it somewhere else in phone ?

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

That's a glitch that happens sometimes.


Go to Settings- Messages- iMessage and turn off. The same for Settings - Facetime.


Then go to Settings - General - Reset - Reset Network Settings and wait for the handset to restart. It should let you change it then if it hasn't updated automatically. Don't forget to connect back to your Wifi as the network reset will sign you out.    


thank you. just reset it and looks like its now working as should be.

connected back to wifi as needed anything else i will need to do ?

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

No that should be it