29-06-2022 04:12 PM
I have a standard size sim card which is used in a PAYG phone. I need a smaller size sim to fit in my new phone. My current sim is an old Orange sim but I have been on the EE network for quite a while. I thought I could just go into the EE shop , buy a new sim card and they would link the new sim card to my number. I was told that because it is an Orange sim they are unable to help me and that I need to ring customer services and they will send me out a new sim card. Is this correct ? I can't understand why as Orange is now part of EE and has been for a long time, apparently an Orange sim is somehow different to an EE sim.
29-06-2022 04:26 PM
By texting NUMBER to 150 it will tell you whether you already on EE or still on Orange.
EE no longer supplies replacement Orange SIMs. You will need to move it to EE by calling CS.
29-06-2022 05:02 PM
I am on EE not Orange . Texting "Number" to 150 confirmed this. I am using an EE PAYG pack and have been since before the start of the pandemic.
I don't want a replacement Orange sim.
I need an EE micro sim.
Do I still need to ring customer services to get what I need and can't I do this instore ?
29-06-2022 05:12 PM
Then all you need is a replacement EE SIM. Take new phone & old SIM into an EE shop with Photo ID & they'll transfer number, any SIM contacts & credit if applicable to a replacement SIM of correct size for free or order a replacement SIM online at Order a replacement SIM for £1.50 or phone CS for one. It will come as a Combi-SIM with all 3 sizes as push-outs.
Stop calling it an Orange SIM. It only confuses everybody into giving you the wrong advice.
29-06-2022 05:58 PM
I went into an EE store earlier today and they said they could not do what you are suggesting in your last reply . This is why I raised a query on here as I was not sure that they were correct in what they were telling me.
I will try a different EE store.
Thanks for your help.
29-06-2022 06:45 PM
Do it online rather than messing about.