12-10-2024 01:46 PM
Any advice welcome
12-10-2024 03:28 PM
Hey there @LucyLocket3, welcome to the EE Community 😊
Do you have a number with us at the moment, or are you looking to make the switch over?
If you're on pay monthly, we offer the option for our Roam Abroad pass; this is £25 a month with no contract, and lets you use your normal allowances of calls, texts, and up to 50GB of data in both Australia and New Zealand.
You'd be be covered for the US, Canada, Mexico and the EU with this pass too, and some of our plans even include the additional roaming as standard.
If there's anything in particular with this you want to query please let us know!
12-10-2024 03:53 PM
To clarify one thing though - EE is a UK operator and only provides coverage in this country. Roaming means using your phone abroad, and enabling roaming allows you to use the local networks in foreign countries.
The previous reply mentions the costs of using your phone abroad - remember to text ROAMING to 150 before leaving the UK, this enables the free roaming facility on a pay-monthly phone and thus unlocks access to foreign networks.
12-10-2024 08:40 PM
Outside the EU, if you are on contract, you may use your usual UK allowances there with up to 50 GB data per billing month if you have more, when you buy the Roam Abroad Pass for £25 / billing month or already have it as a Inclusive Extra or you have an EE Max Plan. Otherwise you will need to pay the charges or buy roaming add-ons as set out in e.g. https://ee.co.uk/help/mobile/roaming/roaming-costs/countries/australia.