12-01-2025 02:26 PM
Roaming in Ireland is "broken" for the past 5 months due to problems with EE's OCS (Online Charging System), and I wonder how many are affected by this (both Business & Consumer)?
What is most annoying about this, is that we have been paying for a service which doesn't work (5 months now as of January 2025), and the efforts we have had to go to in assisting EE to investigate this have been considerable.
I wonder if there are others impacted by this, who may not have realised it, because of the fact that they get NO failure notifications....
According to EE, this is affecting users in Ireland and Denmark at least...
06-02-2025 10:01 AM
The problems are down to their OCS (Online Charging System) - it is stopping calls getting through at the outset - so this would probably mean that anything like missed call / call waiting etc wouldnt work. On the "lots of promises" front - I hear you, been there already. It is a serious problem for exactly the reason you outline, people think you are ignoring them, when you have no idea they tried to contact you.
Did you raise a complaint? In which case they need to have a resolution within a certain period , otherwise it goes to the ombudsman as deadlocked.
We've been through that now on the business phone (as that was under contract), and even prior to that, we also had a verbal offer from EE just to return the phone and exit the contract, however they won't discuss compensation until the problem is fixed or we leave.
The other (consumer) phone is now out of contract - so free to leave.
Basically we're in the last chance saloon with EE, waiting to hear about their latest "fix"
06-02-2025 08:38 PM
07-02-2025 11:23 AM
Its been broken since August '24 - i.e. 6 months now, apparently when EE introduced the new Online Charging System (OCS) which was intended to eliminate people getting billed for old calls when roaming, when in fact it has stopped calls getting through entirely.
I expect there are LOTS of people who are affected by this - but dont realise it, particularly if they only roam occasionally.
The fact that calls from the UK will get through, but not RoI calls (when someone is roaming) would probably mask the problem for many., who would just put some calls not getting through down to network coverage issues - when it has nothing to do with that.
07-02-2025 01:36 PM
07-02-2025 01:37 PM
Just had another call from L2 at EE.
The L2 rep couldn't explain the thinking behind the request. All in all, it provides zero confidence that they know what they are doing OR have a handle on the issue.
24-02-2025 06:05 PM
did you ever have any response from this or was it resolved? I’m currently having the same issue, I’m connected to Eir whilst in Ireland and have been fine receiving calls up until now - now Irish republic numbers can’t call me but people in the uk can.
25-02-2025 12:46 PM
Latest EE attempt to fix this was rolled out on 14-Feb, however that hasn't fixed the issue either.
Over the past week and a half I've had further calls with EE Level 2 (on behalf of the CI - Complex Investigations team) who have requested additional examples of the service not working, so they can try again to troubleshoot where the problem is.
As you indicate, the fact that incoming UK calls can be received when roaming, and also outgoing calls work, makes this difficult to spot that there even is a problem.
04-03-2025 11:46 AM
Update 4th March 2025
The net effect of this is that the problem is unresolved, and resolution now seems to be stuck in a deteriorating relationship between EE and their software supplier. I won't be surprised if it ends up in a commercial / legal dispute between EE and their software supplier.
Having worked in the software industry for years - unless there is a marked change in vendor relationships, this could drag on for months, if not years - because replacing a system like this takes time to rip out, select a new replacement vendor and integrate the new software into their billing stack.
05-03-2025 10:11 AM
Thanks for the update I just get a text every week telling me it's still not fixed and will call when it's sorted. I can't get any info when I call.