27-12-2024 05:38 PM
I am in Australia at the moment and am having difficulty getting service. I landed in Sydney 2 weeks ago and had an issue with automatic selection picking Yes Opus as a provider as I couldn’t get any service with this provider. I manually selected Telstra Mobile which worked ok. I have just flown into Melbourne and the same problem has occurred except this time when manually selecting Telstra Mobile I just get SOS and no signal. Other people in the the same room are using this provider and are receiving full signal. Any suggestions please
27-12-2024 06:09 PM
Manual network selection and/or toggling flight mode to attempt the same, is your best bet.
27-12-2024 06:26 PM
Hi I have tried both but no good I’m afraid, when selecting Yes Opus it shows 4 bars & 4G but won’t connect calls
28-12-2024 09:22 AM
Hi @DM114
Thanks for coming to our community.
Do you hear an error message when trying to make a call?
28-12-2024 04:38 PM
Hi Lesley
There is no message just “call failed” is displayed on the screen after trying to connect
28-12-2024 05:05 PM
@DM114 wrote:
...it shows 4 bars & 4G but won’t connect calls
Does your phone screen indicate VoLTE?
28-12-2024 05:38 PM
No it doesn’t indicate VoLTE
28-12-2024 05:43 PM
VoLTE is a requirement for voice calls in Australia - the networks don't have 2G or 3G for non-compatible phones to fallback on.