17-06-2024 10:28 AM
Is there anywhere on the EE app or on the website that shows if I’m using mobile data at the moment? I’m currently in Spain.
08-09-2024 04:13 PM
Hi, I raised a ticket to see if there was any way it was possible to find out if data was being used abroad
For example, I could have connected in the early hours of the morning on arrival and then gone to bed
The next day, I may as well use mobile data as I have already used it for that day
But there is no way of telling if I have used it, please could this metric be added to the EE app
09-09-2024 08:42 AM
Hey again @Shaptoni
This isn't a feature that we offer at the moment, but I can see why it would be useful.
It would be difficult for us to give exact details of how your data is used though; we only have limited stats on specific usage through our own network, and if you're connected to a roaming partner this will be even harder for us to track.
There are quite a lot of different features that could cause your phone to connect to data overnight, for example app and software updates, as well as background app data usage.
Apple have a really useful help page on this that gives a breakdown of how to limit usage in the background, but the best way to make sure 100% that you won't see any data charges whilst abroad would be to turn off data roaming completely before you travel.
It's also worth resetting your data statistics prior to flying like @Christopher_G recommended originally, as this is going to be the best way to see the exact app or service that has used this data should you connect.
09-09-2024 09:30 AM
Thanks that does explain it from your side, please can you give me a link to the @Christopher_G article?
09-09-2024 09:34 AM
Cheers @Shaptoni, it wasn't actually an article, it's just a bit further up this thread where he gives a breakdown of how to check and reset these stats 😊
It looks like on of our Mods has attached this to the rest of the wider thread so everything is in once place too.
Apple also have details on how you can check this, along with your data settings, on this help page.