11-11-2024 12:51 PM
I am just about to set the above up . My question is do I set the top up payment to £10 as it’s a £10 pack or do I edit the payment to £9 which is what it should be with the 10% off ?
11-11-2024 01:34 PM
@Magic5 Do it as £10 and EE will take the correct amount.
11-11-2024 03:29 PM
You don't top-up at all when you use Direct Card Payment. Your card will be auto charged with the correct discounted amount whenever you buy a pack.
11-11-2024 07:15 PM
I am about to set up my direct payments on my £10 top up , am I right in thinking I set these as £9 to match the 10% off ?
11-11-2024 07:23 PM
@Magic5 : You've already had answers to this. You don't set any particular amount. You just set up your card details & the amount is auto calculated when you buy the pack.
12-11-2024 12:59 PM
Sorry my fault ,it is called a recurring top up . And you have to select £10 or put in your own amount . So would you select £9. ?
12-11-2024 01:12 PM
Ah, Recurring Top-ups are a legacy thing. They are just that, Top-ups, hopefully timed to be done just before your pack renews. You can't select £9 & so it'll have to be £10. Then you will end up with some credit to burn!