Smart Number on other VoIP device


Is it possible to use Smart Number on VoIP appliances?

I use it with Apple products and Amazon Echo, but I'd like to set it up on my VoIP phone.

If not, why not, and is it likely to happen? With landlines scheduled to disappear in 2025, this will be very handy for parents who don't like calling on mobiles.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@nicetranslady  No it’s not possible.  ( at present) Smart numbers is just EE renaming an Apple service that’s called iCloud Calling.   That works because your devices are all linked to your apple iCloud account.  this actually has nothing to do with EE they just have to support the service. 

Your Echo device it’s linked to your EE account to receive/make calls as you had to set this up via your Amazon account to link it with your EE account/phone number.  

Once your home phone is voip based it might be possible but only once it’s been looked in to and worked on.  




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