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I am trying to upgrade my device but in order to do that it sends a PIN


I am trying to upgrade my device - however, in order to do that it sends a PIN to a number I no longer have access to - how do I get the PIN sent to another number? 

The number is not my main number that i have with EE just the added device that I want to upgrade

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Spin your question around and it's basically asking "how can I choose where a security PIN is sent, because I don't control where it is being sent". A scammer's charter!

What's the reason for not having access to the number it's being sent to?

You'll likely need to order your upgrade via CS - and do so by passing telephone security to verify your ID.


What does "Via CS" mean?


Thank you for your reply - sorry sent before I realised it was not EE replying!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Sweet4 wrote:

What does "Via CS" mean?

CS = Customer Service.

FYI you have a short time after posting, to edit replies, negating the need for multiple short posts.

@Sweet4  It’s a contract device that has its own number very silly question but why don’t you have that number ?  To not have the number means you gave it up and that’s done by terminating that contract at some point.    If you lost the sim you can request a replacement SIM card. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

it no longer works on the device as the device no longer works - I want to upgrade as the device is from 6 years ago - I do not want a new SIM for a device that needs upgrading in any event - I have not given it up or terminated the contract ... I thought this would be a simple way of killing two birds with one stone but it seems not - I think the only option is to go to the EE shop with the device in hand ...

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Sweet4  can you put that SIM card in a different device then ?    

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.