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Apple music inclusive extra- existing subscription


I've subscribed to Apple Music for years directly through Apple. Have recently upgraded and opted for Apple Music as an inclusive extra to save me some money. Can I merge my account or apply a code to retain my library but not pay anything? If not  do I need to cancel my existing subscription before activating the new one?

I was sent a text with a link saying the extra had been added but the link just takes me to apples sign in page and nothing happens.

Any ideas? Tia x


I’ve got exactly same issue. I cancelled the one I was paying for but now can’t seem to link the added extra to my Apple Music account. Keeps saying subscribe again for £10.99 and no re subscription applicable. 
added extra showing on my re account 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Laura748 @em2312 

Thanks for coming here. 

If you're currently subscribed to Apple Music, you will need to cancel your existing subscription before you choose it as a Inclusive Extra. Once you get confirmation that your subscription has been cancelled, you can choose it as a Inclusive Extra.

Has your Apple Music with Apple now ended? 
