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Voice msg asking for personal ID no. when trying to call UK nos. from abroad


I am abroad and have a roaming package. Yesterday I was able to call UK numbers no trouble.  Today I get a voice message: "Welcome - please enter your personal identification number to conference"

Help please! I just want to be able to call some numbers back home!

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Have you tried connecting to an alternative local network?

yes - Sod's law I've just got onto another network, having tried unsuccessfully for hours. Maybe it's a mast issue?


I’m currently in South America and this happened to me this morning on both my phones which have the roaming packages.

I spent three hours online with EE digital tech with no joy. Reset my network which was a waste of time plus lost all my internet passwords and Bluetooth connections which would’ve been helpful to be told that first, tried different local networks, turned digital assist off and then they upped my spend cap ( not necessary at all ) problem still not solved and now can’t access my voicemail…….

Former EE Employee

Hi @DS49 

Can you see if roaming is enabled in your My EE Account online?

Did our tech team give you any additional steps to try?



Hi Jon

Yes we went through the roaming settings and also through the checks I listed earlier. They also increased my spend cap the make sure I hadn’t reached that , which it wasn’t that either. I’m now getting a message in Spanish instead of English and then it hangs up my call whenever I try calling anyone including EE ..

Former EE Employee

Thanks @DS49 

Apart from the two phones you've mentioned, do you know of anyone else who has a UK phone that is working?

What network are you currently connected to?


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

If you are abroad, roaming is enabled and working but you have issues seemingly at random, it will be a local network issue in the vast majority of cases.

Simply connecting to an alternative local network and/or toggling flight mode to, is therefore the likely fix in the same majority.


Hi jon

i know someone on o2 here they haven’t had a problem yet.

im currently connected to movies star. I’ve tried AT&T and telcel they have no bars for signal strength when I connect to them.

Hi Bristolian 

there is no signal strength on the other two network options and I tried the toggling flight mode but still doesn’t work. 
But thank you for the suggestion