21-08-2022 08:29 PM
OK So I have VoLTE, and calls seem fine on it. If I am not using google or anything, I can turn off my WiFi and my mobile data without affecting calls right?
21-08-2022 08:55 PM
@Sickofsignins Yes. Wi-Fi Is picked up from a router and your cellular connection is via the EE network.
21-08-2022 08:56 PM
WiFi is just a connection between your phone and a wireless router, EE's mobile network is completely separate. Also mobile data just refers to using data over the mobile network - separate to using "voice over 4G" which is what VoLTE is.
One of the advantages of VoLTE however, is the ability to use voice & data services simultaneously.
22-08-2022 01:58 AM
Thanks. I never heard of the term VoLTE before. It appeared on my status bar of my new phone and had me confused.
So if VoLTE can use voice and data services simultaneously, can I turn off the mobile data on my phone and rely on VoLTE alone?
22-08-2022 08:43 AM
Hi @Sickofsignins,
If you turn off mobile data, you'll only be able to use your phone for calls and texts when not connected to WiFi.
22-08-2022 09:23 AM
I think what James meant to say was that if you disable mobile data, you will only be able to use internet-based functionality on your phone, when connected to WiFi.
VoLTE means voice over 4G, mobile data means "data over the mobile network".
22-08-2022 11:49 AM
@bristolian : It's still not clear whether by turning off mobile data, as the OP asks, you still have VoLTE functionality available.
It seems to me that VoLTE = Vo4G = Vo the mobile network = Vo the data network. Therefore by switching off mobile data might kill VoLTE.
22-08-2022 11:53 AM
Disabling VoLTE will force voice calls onto legacy 2G/3G networks which have limitations.
Disabling mobile data will stop all Internet use outside WiFi, regardless of 2G/3G/4G.
VoLTE does not need mobile data enabled to operate.
22-08-2022 01:43 PM
Yes I tried turning WiFi and mobile data off and I can still make calls and texts as normal. That's handy to know so I can stop errant apps constantly trying to connect, especially when the battery is low.
Thanks everyone that's been really helpful.
22-08-2022 01:47 PM
You can also remove "mobile data" permissions from individual apps if you suspect them of connecting, they then need to give an on-screen prompt when they wish to use mobile data.