30-06-2023 05:12 PM
So I'm in the last week of my 3 week stay in Portugal. I get a warning that Im close to my spend cap of £50. Only now I'm realising that i will have paid £48 for the facility to use my phone abroard....but...I have not sent any texts, I've made no phone calls (I always have mobile data turned off) and have wifi at my house. Therefore I've paid £48 for wifi effectively. Gee thanks EE. What an utter rip off. So I assume I should have set the cap to £0 ? And set phone to have roaming switched off ?
30-06-2023 05:31 PM - edited 30-06-2023 05:32 PM
@No1SteveB : No, you haven't! If you haven't used any of your UK allowances, calls texts or used data, while abroad in UK you haven't spent anything on roaming charges. You are only charged £2.29 on any day that you use your allowances. Don't use anything -> Not charged that day. WiFi is of no concern of EE.
30-06-2023 05:49 PM
Oh, ok. Thanks XRayspex. Thinking about it I have used data on the mis apprehension that it would be within my UK contract, doh !
But its useful to know that you only get charged on the days you use it - I'll remember that. I must have used it on more days than I thought, to have received a "warning" text.
Incidental I texted 150 with "BALANCE" and have recieved nothing back...does that facility still work ?
Oh and would that have meant a £2.29 fee on that text alone or are they free ?
Sorry for all the questions .
30-06-2023 06:04 PM
@No1SteveB You’ll been better off paying for the roam abroad pass at only £15 per month you’ll then be able to use your allowances like you are in the UK. Yes you’ll be charged the daily rate for texting 150, and yes that service still works