19-06-2023 09:10 AM
I have been with EE for a year now, was previously with Vodafone. However, everywhere I go with EE I seem to only get 1 bar of phone signal at home and in the office. Its really inconvenient as I can only ring people on WIFI calling and defeats the object of having a phone. Is there a solution for this? Do EE say in a contract that they will provide X service as a minimum?
19-06-2023 11:38 AM
Hi @alicetr96
Welcome to the community.
How long have you had this problem for? It's great that you can make use of WiFi calling, this is the type of situation that it's designed for. It should help you keep connected, even if there were no mobile coverage.
No, we cannot guarantee coverage. Our coverage checker can be used as a guide to what to expect coverage to be like in a particular area.
19-06-2023 12:01 PM
The onscreen bars are only a rough guide, but 1 bar is still a bar and calls should work fine.
Does VoLTE/4G-calling show? What happens when you try making a call?