01-08-2023 08:53 AM
My phone (samsung Galaxy S22) has decided on 2 occasions within a week to not let me make outgoing calls.
I am a bit worried because my husband is due to be in hospital for around 3 to 4 weeks soon and I will be traveling for a couple of hours along the motorway myself early morning and evening. I need my phone to be relied on in an emergency. It takes around 5 minutes to reboot then it is ok again.
I am on a monthly contract and live in Scotland.
Thanks for any help. Desperate to sort this out asap.
02-08-2023 09:13 AM
Yes both in same location. He made calls no prob. Second time it happened I actually used his phone to make an urgent call while mine rebooted.
He didnt receive network update.
02-08-2023 09:25 AM
Our Technical Support Team will be happy to take a look at this for you @Suze27 🙂