Galaxy 23ultra and Galaxy watch ultra esim issues

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I recently bought the Galaxy watch ultra  to use alongside my s23ultra with the hope of the esim been a great feature, both the phone and the watch were purchased directly from Samsung and like a lot of others I have had the same issue trying to get the esim to work,

1st esim, I could make / receive phone calls and use WhatsApp but I could not send text messages from either Samsung messages or Google messages, contacted EE tech support and to be fair they were really helpful but could not get the esim to work correct, it was decided to remove esim and re-push to my phone/watch.

2nd esim, I left the watch and phone paired and powered up for 24h as requested by tech support but this time I could not make/receive calls or txt messages, WhatsApp still worked, I agreed with tech support to do a reset on my watch and t8 then contact them for the esim to be set up.

3rd esim, after a factory reset o the watch I contacted tech support who went through the esim set-up and confirming my EID number but this has had the same problem as the 2nd esim.

I have bee told it is a known issue and a fix is been looked into but I had to upgrade my sim only contract in order to have the esim option so now I am in a new 24mth contract that will not do what I require, do you think EE will wave the contract to allow me to change provider as this issue only seems to be with EE or am I stuck waiting on their fix to be available.

For the cost of both phone and watch you would of thought these issues would not present themselves but looking at the community it seems to be a large issue


Any help/advise would be appreciated 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Cyborgtf3 

Welcome to the EE Community

Sorry to hear your watch hasn't been performing as expected. 

It would be best to give Customer Care a call to ask what the options would be available with the situation. 


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Valued Contributor

Hi @Ali_A , I have spent since the 30th Aug on the phone with the tech team and to be honest they have been really helpful it's just that ee are no closer to a solution, I did have a pm giving me a mobile number to txt with the fault and wait for a reply, I did this but the call I had back in all honesty made me a bit nervous if it was actually ee, I came back to the community but the pm had been removed so I secured my account and contacted customer care, I've been told it's a known issue so I will wait a bit longer for a working solution as I really don't want to have to move to another network. 

I have seen lots of posts about the same issue but not many have a solution post to close it off..

Crossing fingers and toes


All the best


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Valued Contributor

Thank you to user sdh13007 for replying and trying to scam me unfortunately it did not work and the order you placed on my account for a iphone15 has been cancelled, you very sad person





It's finally working i read a few forums and after a few people said it started working after the Samsung update I got ee to reissue me an e sim and it's working