02-02-2025 08:43 PM
I have 298 websites hosted on SiteGround. Any client using EE Mobile cannot access their website. SiteGround support said because the SiteGround support team is in Bulgaria, they cannot identify the issue with EE because they do not have access to EE mobile phone. This is ridiculous, I will take legal action for damaging my business.
06-02-2025 11:00 AM
Hi, I have just checked and got someone else to check using EE and websites I have that were not working yesterday over EE 4g are now all working fine. I'm not sure if the issue has been properly fixed yet but my Siteground sites are now working over EE as far as I can see
06-02-2025 11:01 AM
yes now working on mine
06-02-2025 11:03 AM
I can report that its now fixed for my site too.....
Siteground say this:
We are aware of the case and have already sent all the necessary logs and information to EE to assist in resolving the issue. Based on our administrator's investigation, the problem is caused purely by EE. At this point, the EE team is actively working on a fix, and we’ve been informed that a large number of blocked sites are already being restored and put back online. We remain committed to supporting all our customers and will continue to collaborate with EE to ensure this is resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The recent news are promising: There are lots of sites already online so you can expect yours to work real soon.
06-02-2025 11:04 AM
Thank you Steve for this update. You've been a beacon of help and information.
I can confirm that my sites previously affected by this are now accessible over EE mobile again, which is a huge relief and has now freed up my weekend!
06-02-2025 11:15 AM
My sites and emails are working again on EE, thank you.
06-02-2025 02:45 PM
My site is working again, thanks. However, it would be good to know what the issue was. It can't happen again!