

I want some one to contact me regarding a complaint after being told I didn’t take insurance out with yourself yet I did 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

You can make a formal complaint to EE & if you don't get satisfaction after 8 weeks you can take it to EE's ADR provider. See Complaints code of practice and here is the Complaints Form at the foot of the page.

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EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Lion13   If you look at your online account under add ons does it say you have insurance? 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
It was on my last contract I have taken another one out now and I took the insurance out over the phone in 2020 when we had another company they used. I told the lady I always pay for the insurance they offer you she said I had none but I do. As Iv just found the payments.


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EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Lion13,

Welcome back to the community. 🙂

Did you request insurance when you upgraded? It doesn't carry over automatically.


Yes Iv got insurance I always take it out my phone broke I contacted ee to get my phone fixed and they said I didn’t have insurance I told the lady I always pay for insurance and Iv just found my later and the insurance that they took out for me Iv never done it off my own back 2 years ago it wasn’t ee that did the insurance it was another company they sorted it through but was taken out with my policy through there system so would be on my details.

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EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Lion13,

Have you insured your device with a third party, rather than direct with EE?

Do you have an insurance payment on your EE bill breakdown?


Iv not taken insurance out personally they took the insurance out for me.
This is for my last contract phone as I had to early upgrade due to a damaged device they said was not insured.

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EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Lion13,

If you took insurance with EE, it would have been cancelled when you upgraded to a new phone unless you requested insurance when upgrading.


I’m paying for insurance for my old phone still the phone that was taken out with them

I have a new insurance for my new phone as like I say I always take cover as they are damage easy

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