05-09-2022 05:19 PM
I want some one to contact me regarding a complaint after being told I didn’t take insurance out with yourself yet I did
05-09-2022 05:22 PM
You can make a formal complaint to EE & if you don't get satisfaction after 8 weeks you can take it to EE's ADR provider. See Complaints code of practice and here is the Complaints Form at the foot of the page.
05-09-2022 07:13 PM
@Lion13 If you look at your online account under add ons does it say you have insurance?
05-09-2022 09:46 PM
06-09-2022 08:13 AM
Hi @Lion13,
Welcome back to the community. 🙂
Did you request insurance when you upgraded? It doesn't carry over automatically.
06-09-2022 08:52 AM
06-09-2022 08:54 AM
Hi @Lion13,
Have you insured your device with a third party, rather than direct with EE?
Do you have an insurance payment on your EE bill breakdown?
06-09-2022 08:58 AM
06-09-2022 09:00 AM
Hi @Lion13,
If you took insurance with EE, it would have been cancelled when you upgraded to a new phone unless you requested insurance when upgrading.
06-09-2022 09:07 AM