10-06-2023 09:17 AM
I signed a 24m contract for unlimited essentials w/5g no speed cap but ended up for some reason with 12m no frills capped at 25Mbps. This is going to be undone starting next month but till then, my experience of 5g on my pixel 5 has been worse than that of 4g one year ago, same network. The area shows yellow on the coverage map, meaning 5g in and out of home, but the speeds change between 1Mbps and 5Mbps most often, with occasional jumps to 15 and - unfortunately - blackouts.
As I wait for a never-reached cap to be removed next month, I am wondering if this could make any difference. I don't know the technologies, but imaging that if you cap a citroen 2cv at 300mph, removing the cap will make no difference.
What speeds are you getting?
I have noticed that some networks, such as Smarty, offer 5g only on listed of the 5g devices. I wonder if this is a way to cut costs or is due to some differences between, the listed devices and my not-listed pixel 5.