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Signal in multiple areas.


This isn’t linked to a certain area in my opinion, I’m a field service engineer, and travel all over the UK, I’ve stuck with EE as it’s always had the best coverage and usually very little when dropping calls, but this year… me my dad, brother and sister, all in different areas have been suffering with the “2bar syndrome” says we have at least 2bars of signal. But guess what, can’t hear people, or can’t make phone calls or use data services.

I’m hopeful that this is just a transition period whilst bugs are worked out with the introduction to 5g, maybe relocation of masts?

But what I can say, is that if it doesn’t get better, I’ll seriously have to consider trying another network.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Yours is the first time I've heard mention of "2 bar syndrome"!

In short, if you're having problems with voice calls or data services when coverage is displayed, then something is wrong - regardless of whether it's "only 1 bar" or "only 5 bars"

As a good test of whether you're using 4G as your base layer, are you able to use mobile data whilst on voice calls?

Thank you for your reply.

unfortunately most of the time when I suffer this particular issue I’m driving so testing for a data connection isn’t possible.

I guess the fact that I can stream radio when not on a call would indicate a relatively stable data connection.

I’ll be honest, I have turned the 5G off now on my handset as it just didn’t seem to be helping the situation.

But I can say that the network does not seem to be as strong as it was before, in buildings it appears to be poor, where it was good before, you would no more than me, but is this due to the 3G being switched off? 

Like I say, I am hopeful that this is just a transitional period, and that the loads are being balanced etc, it’s just bloody frustrating when in a call where a colleague is after help and the signal just won’t hold up.


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Lgregory233 

I know it's not much fun when things don't work as expected, and our technical team would be eager to take a closer look at this with you. 

If you can reach out to us on 150 from your EE mobile or 07953 966 150 from another line, the team can complete some checks and review any areas where you face this trouble. 

If you have any examples within the last couple of days where calls have cut out and the postcode area this happened in, please have these to hand as this will really help our team.

Thanks so much,


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

A lot is written about 3G switchoff and its consequences, but EE was in a very good place due to users being on 4G more often than with other networks, and thus not using 3G tech as much.

Freeing up the 2100Mhz spectrum allows for reconfiguration of how that frequency band is used, but 4G was already active there before and continues to be.