Re: iPhone 15 Pro Signal poor everywhere!!


As of today 1 August 2024:

I also have an iPhone 15 Pro and encountered the same problem. I have contacted Apple technical support multiple times. They conducted a diagnostics test but found no hardware issues. I also reached out to EE, but there has been no resolution besides the standard network reset and a few minor suggestions. I experience poor signal quality and frequently get disconnected from data and voice services. These issues did not occur previously with my iPhone 13 Pro. 


As of today 1 August 2024:

I also have an iPhone 15 Pro and encountered the same problem. I have contacted Apple technical support multiple times. They conducted a diagnostics test but found no hardware issues. I also reached out to EE, but there has been no resolution besides the standard network reset and a few minor suggestions. I experience poor signal quality and frequently get disconnected from data and voice services. These issues did not occur previously with my iPhone 13 Pro. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Out of interest, what exactly did Apple's diagnostic test consist of? Was it a physical test of the phone, ideally including use of a test SIM?


Same here.  EE just tell you that the masts have either disintegrated or broken so lots of signal losses in between towns.  I lose signal 1 mile away from my home and can’t make car phone calls.  Don’t expect any resolution.  The bots do not know what to do. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Rigxxx  have you performed a network reset on the device? 

@Siran700  It is a network issue or a device issue ?  Because your assessments is that it’s a network problem without any proof of that whatsoever.   And as mentioned the prior device iPhone 13 Pro didn’t have this issue so how can a device that’s within the same area have a network problem.      You need to read the full post and the information provided to give a rationale answer.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Sorry Chris 

I have a couple of times, thanks


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