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Re: Struggling coverage


I noticed a distinct drop off in my 5G download spweed, from over 200 down to 12. By using local knowledge and talking it through with an EE engineer on the phone, we decided that, here in Penzance, the extensive scaffolding that has gone up around the Lloyds bank building, is in dicet line from the 5G tower that feeds my signal!


Sorted, but not really as the scaffolding is going to be there until at least May this year


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

To save confusion, your post has been moved to a new thread. Was your EE "engineer" from within the CS area?

The main factor in download speeds is the amount of spectrum available, and how many users wanting to share it - neither of which are directly impacted by scaffolding or other building works. All 5G sites also carry 2G & 4G services.

cs area?? not understanding what you mean

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

My enquiry was trying to ascertain whether your "engineer" was a customer service agent, or someone from within the networks side.

As mentioned, the presence of scaffolding should not be a direct cause of reduced download speeds.


the scaffolding is acting like a "Faraday cage", incidentally it is 50 metres from the very place where Michael Faraday trained with Humphry Davy

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Your report was for slow data speeds, not reduction of coverage - different symptoms to that caused by a Faraday scenario, a difference that well-intentioned CS staff might not spot.

If you have an Android phone, it would be easy enough to test the theory.


After various conversations, with EE tecchies, I have been advised by them, to turn OFF the 5G and resort to 4G, it really is an amazing improvement. This now prompts the question, why am I paying top buck for 5G, when I am only using it as 4G?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

That's the sort of advice I have come to expect from a CS agent identifying themselves as technical. Offering a workaround without identifying the underlying issue. You're also not paying for any specific radio access technology, but for access to EE's network.

Put aside the direct comparison between technologies, a major factor in download speeds is the specific bands & carriers that are deployed. This will illustrate the amount of spectrum available and thus the capacity.

As per previous posts, Android phones are excellent at allowing these checks.

So you keep repeating with out any explanation, so I am non the wiser, but
you probably feel even more knowledgeable than the previous answer.
Oh well I shall have to phone EE again and see what they say
EE Community Support Team

Hi @jaykay2PT 

Thanks for coming back to the community. 

If you give us another call when you get the chance the team will get the 5G coverage looked into for you. 
