17-03-2024 10:41 AM
Good morning, mine is been awful for about a week now. I had a whole day where I only had emergency calls coverage. When checking for issues it always states that there are none, and coverage is good.
My contract ends in a few months so with this constant issue plus hiking of prices all the time, I will go elsewhere. I have been with EE for years, but they do not value loyal customers and now cannot provide a consistent signal. In a time with no landlines and it's your only form of communication, it's not tenable at all.
17-03-2024 11:11 AM
Hello @Frankie7.
Thanks for coming here.
Have you been able to report this when checking your area using the Service Checker?
Are you aware of others within your area experiencing this?
17-03-2024 01:54 PM
@Frankie7 wrote:
In a time with no landlines and it's your only form of communication
Lack of landline is always a personal choice, it's not imposed.
The previous advice is wise - if multiple EE users have a loss of service in a normally covered area, then the "report a problem" link should be part of first-line checks.