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Re: Is it just me or is ee phone signal poor


I have been with ee for just over 2 years now,up until around a month ago I could talk to my wife and kids on the way home in my car,I do the same route every day.never had any issues.but the last 4 weeks it's been shocking either they can't hear me or signal goes completely.i phoned ee they said the mast I connect to was having repairs for the first 2 weeks.the repairs are now done and I'm still having the same problems..its a joke tbh..if it carries on ile be going back to my old provider..

EE Community Support Team

Hi there @slimlad 

Thanks for coming to the community. 

Do we have any problems showing for the area on the Service Status Checker

If nothing is showing you can report the problems you are having and the network team will get this looked into and keep you updated via text or email. 

Thanks 🙂


Yes I've done all of the above no issues found and still the same.the area is from shawcross all the way to middleton the full length of leeds road to tingley roundabout. Then it's OK from there up to smithy lane tingley.then goes dead again down thorpe lane.but OK from there..
This happens on both cellular calls and data calls every day.
EE Community Support Team

Thanks @slimlad 

To get this looked into in more detail, please try calling us again on 150 and letting our tech guides know this has continued after the work was completed. 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Do calls drop in the same location consistently? There may be an issue with a site or sector adjacency if so.

If one of the serving sites has had any parameter changes, this wouldn't be an unusual scenario - and is easily resolved once the correct details are passed.


Once my 12 month sim only plan is over I'm leaving matter how many times I call it's the same story..ive never had issues luke in bridlington atm and the only way I can use my phone is to hotspot my wife's or my daughters there on 02..I was with virgin for a long while which also piggy bbacked off ee.never any issues,I moved to ee as virgin moved to 02 and as an old 02 customer I didn't like them.but in all fairness,my wife and my daughter never have any issues.full 5g all the time in all the places mine is has gone downhill since bt bought them out just like I thought it would.why I don't know,the adverts brag they are the best mobile network more coverage and speed than anyone else..sorry but I completely disagree.if I could get out of my contract without be charged I would leave now.but unfortunatly I've got another 10 another 10 months of unhappiness with ee.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

You posted about this issue previously and were offered some suggestions on getting it resolved. How did you get on, when you followed those up?

I followed all instructions.and work was completed and no faults found..ive now had enough of constantly calling and moaning as it doesn't change the mind is made up now.and this no signal in the area I'm in now in bridlington.all ee users have the se issue yet people I've spike to on 02,three,and even giffgaff no issues.i come here regular on once my contract is finished I'm leaving ee.sorry but I'm not happy and I'm not chasing anymore