12-12-2024 07:43 PM
Prior to switching from Vodaphone where I had 3 to 4 bars, I now have a come and go 1 bar and that is I stand in front of the window, Zero when in the house, I was assured of a strong connection signal prior to switching to EE, and when I brought this to their attention their answer would have made a 5 year old laugh, not sure what to make out of this kind of cheap shot but I do know that once "Trust" is gone it is close to impossible to buy it back, thanx EE!
12-12-2024 08:54 PM
You can check predicted coverage levels on the webtool - https://ee.co.uk/help/mobile-coverage-checker - aside from any small patches that may not always show, does the coverage broadly match up?
If the problem is only indoors, then WiFi-calling is a recommended solution and provides full use of your phone for calls & texts.