19-06-2024 12:54 PM
Hi, I had a fright the other week, I fell ill and tried to call 111 and eventually 999. I couldn't talk to 111 or receive their call back due to poor signal so I went for 999. It took 35 minutes to get a signal in my bedroom which scared the life out of me because had it been fire related I would have been fried. According to the status, work has been done in my area, but my signal has gone from reasonable if I sit in one corner or part outside, but in other areas the signal has gone. I've been told to get a phone booster but I haven't a clue what to get and EE is just an answering machine these days. Can anyone help?
19-06-2024 01:27 PM
You'll get the exact same signal regardless of which number you're trying to call. EE's recommended solution for indoor coverage problems is to use WiFi-calling, I would also strongly recommend having more than one phone in any home incase there's a problem in an emergency situation - as you've found, all it takes is for there to be a problem with one, to cause issues.
Legal signal boosters are not cheap and will cost several hundred £ - https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-and-broadband/coverage-and-speeds/using-a-repeater-to-improve-indoor... may have some useful info.
19-06-2024 01:41 PM
Thanks for that, I do have WiFi calling switched on but that didn't seem to help either. I'll pass on the technical info on to someone who knows what it means!
19-06-2024 01:46 PM
What's the issue you have with WiFi-calling? The more detail you can give, the better help can be offered - it should work, and will be lot easier and cheaper than any indoor coverage solution.
19-06-2024 02:13 PM
I've not got the best of signals, in the bedroom, I'm lucky to get 1-2 bars. I've a TV in my bedroom which I've put boosters on - and I was told that would help phone signal but not when there was a crisis I just feel that service has deteriorated in these last few months when it comes to phone signal in other parts of the house. I've got a new TV and I'm hardly getting any channels so I'm looking to enhance signal for that but that's not going to help the mobile phone much.
19-06-2024 02:26 PM
I'm not clear what "boosters" you have installed already, the phrase can be used for numerous technologies.
A mesh WiFi system, or WiFi-extenders, would improve WiFi coverage for all devices. That includes phones & tablets - and by extension, WiFi-calling.
That said, if your reference to "1-2 bars" means the mobile signal, that should be usable - WiFi-calling is designed to kick in when mobile coverage is deemed unusable, but bars are still bars, and thus WiFi-calling may not be kicking in.
A methodical approach may help solve your issues.