Mobile Phone signal at home is awful!


My phone signal at my new house is awful.

I receive important calls and people tell me I sound like I’m under water! 
I can only half hear a call stood at my front door.

rest of house or a foot from the door it doesn’t work,

how can we improve this??

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Caithnessgirl 

Thanks for coming here. 

Does the EE Coverage & Network Status Checker, show good indoor and outdoor coverage at the area? 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Was coverage poor when you first viewed your home? Does this affect all calls, or just particular ones?

WiFi-calling is EE's recommended solution for indoor coverage issues, and works in tandem with the mobile network.

It does show good but it very much isn’t in our house it’s awful, all visitors say the same

Affects all calls, even visitors on other networks.

i wonder if it could be caused by living near an airport

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Was coverage poor when you first viewed your home? It sounds like you're in an area of poor coverage, which all networks suffer from in various locations. The coverage checker provides a best guess but is no guarantee, and sometimes poor coverage can be very localised and too granular for the map to show with any accuracy.

The airport won't have anything to do with this, otherwise mobile coverage would also be affected at all major airports. WiFi-calling is likely the recommended solution here.

The permanent solution to poor coverage is to build new network sites, but this isn't a quick process and local planning objections are often a problem.