13-11-2023 12:50 PM
I recently have had an issue with both mine and my wifes phones where we have no signal. I contacted EE and they tell me there is a mast failure in my area. They cannot tell me how long it is expected to be down for (its been 4 weeks already) - they cant even give me a rough idea i.e. this month or in a years time. Obviously I cant just keep paying for a phone I cant use. Seems absolutely outrageous that they dont have any info on when they are expecting to repair it.
We have missed important calls from gps around our son and all sorts, so now I am at the point of getting another sim just so I can call people, not sure how EE can find that acceptable that I have to pay for multiple sims because they cant fix their own gear?
Is there anyway this can be investigated?
14-11-2023 02:35 PM
Think is the best way you can go unfortunately, as long as they refund your fees then at least your not out of pocket, not ideal as you would like the cell service but at least it’s something.
I hope your new sim works for what you need and hopefully EE will have the mast up and working soon so your coverage is restored 👌
good luck 🤞
14-11-2023 03:05 PM
Yep, just need Lyca to sort themselves out.
Thanks all