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Mast failure but cant tell me when it will be fixed



I recently have had an issue with both mine and my wifes phones where we have no signal. I contacted EE and they tell me there is a mast failure in my area. They cannot tell me how long it is expected to be down for (its been 4 weeks already) - they cant even give me a rough idea i.e. this month or in a years time. Obviously I cant just keep paying for a phone I cant use. Seems absolutely outrageous that they dont have any info on when they are expecting to repair it. 

We have missed important calls from gps around our son and all sorts, so now I am at the point of getting another sim just so I can call people, not sure how EE can find that acceptable that I have to pay for multiple sims because they cant fix their own gear? 

Is there anyway this can be investigated?

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Hey @Bobdylan55

after reading your comment I feel your frustrations. 
unfortunately the EE representatives you have spoke to wouldn’t be able to advise you on when the problem would be fixed or services received as they are not the ones that will be there at the mast to try and fix the issues, they can only advise to the bestest they can with the information they are provided on their systems. 
some times as explained by others, services can slip for multiple reasons and delays the process and progression, this is outside of anyone’s control and thus have to wait for it to be resolved in time. 
If an advisor where to say… give you a date that the issue maybe resolved and that date comes and nothing… it will only create you more discomfort and make you think that you have been lied to… they also can’t inform you of say access rights to get to the tower if on private land etc due to data protection and other factors etc. 

also I have noted that you have said other network providers in your area ain’t the best so I assume you are in a rural area or in an area that’s difficult for signal towers… many circumstance there to list lol 😂 

obviously you have consumers rights to leave contract etc due to services not provided but this also has conditions as length of your current contract, you may need to return say mobile device if still paying for the unit and services to date etc. 

most phones these days support duel sim where you can add an additional sim from another provider, maybe check that as an option and get a pay as you go sim from another provider, if your phone does support this do check with EE if your phone is unlocked to accept another provider first 👌 

EE has provided you with refunds for the service you have not received so they are willing to reimburse your fees while the issues are being looked at, so as long as they are willing to do this I don’t see why you don’t leave your contract running and as stated see if your phone sports duel sim, then when services are restored happy days. 

hope this helps 



Just to clarify, I never said other networks in my area "aint the best", I simply stated that EE were the correct decision at the time. As for rural, quite the opposite, I can see the town centre from my house (another reason I cant quite believe theyre letting it go on this long seeing as theres potentially 13k other users in this suburb on the outskirts of a city)

My phone does support dual sim but the issue is rather that I have a known contact number which is used for family emergencies and work purposes and I dont want to have to go handing our a second number to confuse matters (similarly I dont want to pac over and then 2 months down the line have to change it back) , the other issue is that the duel sim function takes my microsd slot and my phones memory is already empty. I have ordered a three sim for the time being and am hoping to set up call forwarding when it arrives but clearly this is a far from ideal setup, especially when my wifes phone will need the same, and then her contract cant actually be compensated because lyca refuse to respond to us (I know this isnt specifically EE's fault but its a direct cause of the mast issue still).

@Eddy2760 wrote:

Hey @Bobdylan55

obviously you have consumers rights to leave contract etc due to services not provide

The T&Cs don't guarantee coverage in any location and have full provision for faults & temporary loss-of-service.

Any user who wants to pursue a disconnection for extended loss of service should do so via CS on 150. There is no general provision for cancellation because of transitory issues that are impossible for telecoms networks to eradicate.

Issues with Lyca's service need to be taken up with Lyca directly - the nature of an MVNO setup is that you don't have a direct relationship with the network operator.

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Expert Contributor

They said EE are aware of the mast issues so there is a way for them to terminate after a long period of time and supply competition (services not received, but still subject to unit costs) up until that point of either the issues resolved or contract cancellation but again can involve paying for the handset or return the handset etc if cancelled, depending on length of contract remaining… 

basic consumer rights if a service isn’t being provided to a satisfactory result and you give enough chances for the company to resolve then you can exit etc 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

This is now becoming a very general point. For contractual purposes, I strongly suspect - without being a lawyer - that "a service" for the purposes of non-provision is likely to mean a UK-based mobile phone network. That service will never have 100% blanket national provision thus local issues are then dealt with at an individual level.

Protracted outages are always frustrating, especially when a site is the only server for particular areas. Resolution of faults is always preferable!

To clarify, my contract with EE is sim only 12 months pay monthly, so no complicated phone cost issues.

It is understandable that banket coverage to 100% of the UK is not going to be acheivable especially with outages like this one etc. But, the problem here is that upon taking out the contract the service checker stated that full 4g indoors and outdoors with excellent signal, and 5g. So if that isnt the case then the product was missold. I have been very reasonable and given since the 3rd October to resolve the issue and what I have received in return from EE is broken promises of call backs and complete lack of response in terms of an adequate fix or temporary work around. They didnt even suggest second dual sim, or call forwarding, wifi calling etc, these are all things I have had to work out myself using google or through this forum. Its poor poor customer service at best. 

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Expert Contributor

It’s basic google search on the consumer rights… no lawyer or solicitor needed to source that information and I have 2 friends that just went through the same issues with o2 and EE so… I just gave advice 👌 they can also speak to and complain to ofcom if needs be. 

hope this helps you for future posts 👌 


Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Yeah Ee have been going through a big change recently with a big shift around with BT integration into the EE world, I’m sure it will all smooth out soon 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Ofcom don't handle individual customer complaints, all providers will have an ADR scheme which handle escalations once the internal complaints process has been exhausted or is deadlocked before 8weeks.

I stand by my advice, but suspect we're not helping the OP anymore here.

I do appreciate all the responses and advice, its just extremely frustrating to basically be told that the issue is one I have to resolve myself even though I am paying for a service. Sounds like I need to wait for my three sim to turn up and trial the signal quality and the possible have the conversation with EE regarding cancellation of the contract.