Lyca Mobile (O2) using an PAYG 5G eSim on EE Network

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

A friend of mine who is using a Lyca PAYG Sim (O2) has just transfered over to a Lyca eSim so he can use the eSim in his Sammy S20 for 5G in the second Sim Slot.

He was having issues with it, so cut a long story short, I had a quick look and got it going for him, but during all this I noticed the eSim is using the EE Network for 4/5G where as his old Sim was on O2?.

So does Lyca eSim use the EE Network over O2 Physical Sim??, or is it just a chance timing thing and Lyca are moving over to EE? 

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

There are many people who are saying that their Lyca sims are now connecting to EE's network, so it could be that an MVNO switchover is happening... nothing confirmed from either party though and Lyca still lists O2 as it's operator.

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EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Lyca are in the process of migrating to EE